My name is Taylor Webb, I am a recent graduate from Greeley West High School and their FFA program. I am currently working for West Greeley Conservation District/ Houston Gardens, during my time working here I have been able to improve my communication skills, people skills, and different recreational activities and skills. While here I bounce from working at the office with Kandee and Liz, working with Jasen at Houston Gardens or working with Kristi and all the summer camp students. On June 4 I was able to go down to Pueblo, Colorado for our State FFA Convention and had to opportunity to stay down there until the evening of June 6. While down there I was awarded my State Degree, was able to walk across stage for my chapter earning our National Chapter award, and I received my first in state award in the proficiency area of Ag Sales and second place in the Diversified Horticulture area. Which I now can revise and add stuff to this and compete at the national level for Ag Sales. Without the opportunity of working with WGCD I wouldn’t have the ability and skills to earn this big award. I plan to continue working here and building my skills so I can try and compete at the national level for the proficiency award. In doing so I will work at the gardens planting new trees, flowers bushes. Running the equipment and making sure the grounds are clean. When working at the office I will assist with anything that needs to be done, and helping with the summer camp kids.