College Scholarships
Scholarship opportunities

Each year West Greeley Conservation District awards up to $10,000 scholarships to deserving students who will be tomorrow’s conservation leaders in areas of Natural Resources and Agriculture.

The West Greeley Conservation District Scholarship recognizes and supports local students …
AWhose family pays WGCD mil levy and their home address is within the WGCD boundaries (Please check your address for WGCD tax fees at the County Assessor’s site here.
BWho have been accepted/enrolled full-time in an accredited institution of higher-learning to study: Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environmental Studies, Animal Science, Agribusiness, Water, Forestry, Soils, Conservation Sciences, or other related fields.
CWho have earned a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale)
DWho have not received a full-ride scholarship from any other source.

Selection is based on:
- Demonstrated scholastic ability
- Academic commitment to the fields listed above
- Meeting all required criteria
- Your involvement in extracurricular activities, volunteer and/or conservation projects that impact Weld County
- Financial need
Winners must notify WGCD of intent to refuse or accept the scholarship no later than June 2, 2025.
All scholarship checks will be made payable to the school and go directly to the school’s financial aid or scholarship office (in July and December) following receipt of:
- Your official letter of acceptance from your chosen college/university/trade school & student ID number
- Official proof of course registration/enrollment – send your Fall schedule and Spring schedule

IMPORTANT! You must submit a complete packet including completed application form, essay and transcripts.
A 1-2-page (maximum) typed, personal essay, that includes:
- Summary of your conservation/ag school & community activities and accomplishments.
- Your career goals. The importance of agriculture and/or conservation to you.
- A statement of your financial need.
A complete up-to-date high school &/or current official college transcript (student # & GPA)
Incoming FRESHMEN or 1st time applicants –
Two confidential, sealed letters of recommendation from someone not related to you, who can speak to your current civic and academic accomplishments plus future potential contributions (principal, counselor, teacher, professor, employer, advisor, neighbor, etc.) mailed to:
West Greeley Conservation District
Attn: Taylor Bainter
4302 W. 9th Street Road, Greeley, CO 80634