
Providing for the future


West Greeley Conservation District offers a program for seeding/reseeding grass (and forb) species in pastures, small acreages and other locations to aid in water retention and prevent soil erosion.

Map of the United States divided into three horizontal zones. From top to bottom: 'Cool-Season Grass' covers northern states, 'Transitional Zone' spans the middle, and 'Warm Season Grass' encompasses southern states.

Benefits of seeding

  • Prevents weeds from infesting fields.
  • Improves soil microbiology.
  • Reduces erosion and runoff.
  • Increases water penetration.
  • Improves aesthetics of properties.
  • Cleans the air. In fact, a 50’x50’ grass area will provide enough oxygen for a family of four. [1]
  • Cools the environment. Summer air temperatures above a grass stand will be up to 30 degrees cooler than above a paved area. [2]

Method of seeding

We use a 5 1/2 foot Truax Flex II no-till drill to incorporate seed into the soil.

  • The drill has three seed boxes which allows us to plant cool season, warm season and small legume seeds. (Cool season grasses are recommended)
  • We can also plant a combination of all three together. Plus, we can include wildflower seed.
  • The no-till drill is ideal for reseeding because it creates minimal damage to the soil.
  • The drill features notched concave coulters and depth bands that are followed by press wheels to make sure that there is sufficient seed to soil contact.
  • We also offer a Truax seed slinger for rent that attaches to a four-wheeler for hard to reach areas view the WGCD equipment rentals.

Acquiring the Seed

The landowner will be responsible for seed costs. The West Greeley Conservation District will assist the landowner in selecting an appropriate seed mix based on soil analysis and/or recommendations from NRCS. Native species such as Blue Grama, Buffalo grass, Sideoats Grama, and Western Wheatgrass are recommended.

Preparations and Steps

There are a few steps that need to be followed in order for a good grass stand to take hold.

  • Timing is crucial. We need cool conditions for cool season grasses and warm conditions for warm season grasses. Since we are in a cool season area we generally plant between November 1st and May 15th.
  • A site visit will be conducted to survey the pasture and take soil analyses if needed.
  • Obtain seed through seed vendor of your choice- WGCD does not sell seed.
  • Fill out a contract if you would like to proceed. Seeding Contract
  • Pending approval, the seed bed will need to be prepped. Kill off weeds, remove debris (stones, sticks, etc.), level the area, and rototill if needed. If there is a little bit of grass or stubble, that’s fine, we can drill right into that.
  • Next, drilling will take place. Generally grass seed only needs to penetrate 1/4” – 1/2” deep into the topsoil.
  • If there is no rain within a week or two, watering may have to be performed manually.
  • Mowing should be performed only once in the first year. Do not mow the grass lower than 6 inches.
  • Chemical spot treatment or mowing may need to be performed to control weeds.
  • Keep livestock off the grass for the first two years.


  • $80/hr includes drive time to and from location as well as the time spent seeding. $80 minimum.
  • As of January 1st 2018 Out of District jobs will be charged $160 per hour, $160 minimum

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, Contact Ryan Kapperman @ 970.230.7024 or


[1] How the Environment Benefits from a Well-Maintained Lawn, The Lawn Institute,, August 2000; Turfgrass Statistics, American Sod Producers Association

[2] Beard, J.B. and D. Johns. 1985. The comparative heat dissipation from three typical urban surfaces; Asphalt, concrete, and Bermudagrass turf. p. 125 – 133. In Texas Turfgrass research 1985. Agricultural Experiment Station. PR-4329. College


Raised Community Garden Beds with Tomatoes growing.

Annual Community BBQ

August 8, 2025 at Houston Gardens

Please, RSVP total # attending to OR 970.230.7023
By August 1, 2025

Tagged Ponderosa Pine for our 2024 Conservation Seedling Tree Sale.


Conservation Seedling Tree Sale is Open Until April 25, 2025.

Pick Up is in May.

Conservation seedling trees for sale to local landowners at a nominal cost.

College scholarships

Applications Available

Earn up to $10,000!!

Deadline to apply/ renew is April 7th at 4pm

Questions or concerns please email Taylor

West Greeley Conservation District Logo


4302 W. 9th St. Rd.
Greeley, CO 80634



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The West Greeley Conservation District prohibits discrimination in all of its programs and activities, including employment, on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, political belief. West Greeley Conservation District is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.