Cheddar Pinks, Allwoodi (DIANTHUS GRATIANOPOLITANUS) – 1 gallon pot


6 in stock

Sold individually / Min. 6 inch height / $15.00 per plant / Individual pot size 7” x 6”

Please, don’t delay ordering – first come first serve!

By placing an order, you understand that there is no guarantee on survivability on any plants sold. There are no refunds or exchanges – if it is determined that you got a damaged plant you will be provided with a replacement, species dependent on stock availability. Orders will be fulfilled with stock that is conservation grade for the conservation natured purpose of this low-cost seedling program.

Once orders are picked up please make any claims of damaged or unhealthy plants within 24 hours after pickup, photos are encouraged.

6 in stock


This variety of Dianthus with its bold pink flowers with a spicy clove-like scent was selected to be the county flower of Somerset in the UK. This makes sense as the flowers of this plant cover the plant from spring until fall and can be deadheaded to prolong flowering.
Dianthus are a stunning hardy, perennial, wide-spreading groundcover with blue/green foliage 8”-10” high. They do best in full sun with well-draining soil. Which makes them an excellent choice for any garden as a mass planting, ground cover, or in a rock garden.
Fun fact: The term “pinking shears” (special scissors that create a zigzag edge that discourages fraying) is thought to named after these pink flowers.


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