State Farm Volunteer – Hours Turn into Dollars

Bev Westercamp is a volunteer at Houston Gardens. Bev is a State Farm employee. We’ve discovered that at State Farm employees are rewarded for their community volunteerism by the company donating dollars to the organizations where their employees accumulate volunteer hours. So, besides being delighted by all the hard work Bev devotes to the Gardens, we recently received a $500 donation thanks to the time Bev has spent helping at Houston Gardens.  Thank you, Bev and State Farm, for enhancing Houston Gardens with your kind support.


Boy Scout Eagle Project – Sign Structures

Noah Miyoshi came to us as a volunteer at Houston Gardens. He worked with Paul Conklin and they designed and built some covered wooden awnings for the educational signs placed throughout the gardens. We are grateful to be a part of scout projects and thrilled to be able to provide materials to accomplish garden improvements while also completing Scout projects. . Thank you Noah – for a job well done!


Easter Seals Volunteers

Every Thursday now through the summer the Gardens welcome Easter Seal volunteers who come and pitch in doing a variety of chores to help keep the gardens looking their best.