Three local students were recognized at the West Greeley Conservation District’s (WGCD) Annual Dinner Meeting and Awards Thursday (11/14/2019) in front of nearly 200 attendees at Island Grove Regional Park. These students earned this recognition by creating lovely conservation posters exhibiting this year’s theme “Life in the Soil: Dig Deeper.”
First place went to Autumn Tracy a 6th grade student at Windsor Middle School in Corrina Hotra’s Art class. Second and third place honors went to 6th graders in Mindy Hughes class at Dayspring Christian Academy. Second place recognized Isabella “Bella” Flores artwork and 3rd place was earned by Chloe Wright.
Autumn’s 1st place poster will now go on to the state level competition, where a winner will be selected by judges in late November. If Autumn wins again, her poster will compete nationally in Washington, D.C. in January.
WGCD launched their annual Conservation Poster Contest for 6th grade youth at the local level in mid-August. WGCD serves 66 percent of Weld County. All 6th graders from schools in their service area were invited to participate. Letters went to school Principals and their 6th grade classroom teachers, science and art teachers inviting learning and participation.
“This is one of many ways WGCD promotes educational opportunities,” Kandee Nourse, WGCD Manager said. “Each participating teacher received an education packet with soil resources, that coincide with state earth science standards, including a colorful Power Point and a full sheet of online resource to compliment the teacher’s educational curriculum.”
Poster were evaluated using the following criteria:
- 50% how well the conservation message was shared
- 30% visual effectiveness
- 10% originality of the student’s artwork creations
- 10% universal appeal
The District awarded cash prizes; $100 to Autumn; $75 to Bella and $50 to Chloe. The teachers received gift cards to purchase classroom supplies as a thank you for coordinating this activity. {{see photos of winners}}
For more information you may contact Kristi Helzer, Community Outreach and Education Coordinator, WGCD 970-534-2320 or