31st Annual High Plains No-Till Conference
February 5-6, 2019; Burlington, CO
Featuring pasture cropping pioneer Colin Seis and more than 50 breakout sessions discussing soil health, general no-till, regenerative grazing, technology, farm business, and more!
Check out CCTA’s website by clicking the following link:
Are you interested in attending the 31st Annual No-Till conference? Are you a WGCD member? Register before January 15th, 2019 and bring your receipt into the office also by January 15th and we will reimburse you for the registration cost of $130.00
Registration reimbursements are limited, register today by clicking this link: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07efnrqkkw0f11acf9&oseq=&c=&ch=