My name is Ashley Follis I presently work at the West Greeley Conservation District. My goals for working there is building my work ethic by working with the other workers. Being able to work in the office is giving me a great opportunity to work on my communication skills. Working at with the West Greeley Conservation District I’ve learned office skills, working at the windbreakers and helping with the education kid camps. I’m presently at Greeley West High School starting my senior year. I was picked out of 7 other students to take classes at Aims Community College. I’ll be taking Introduction to Horticulture in the fall then a Greenhouse Management class in the spring. I’m hoping to future my education in Greenhouse Management. I’ve been in the FFA program at Greeley West for 4 years now. My junior year I was the historian for our chapter. My duties were to take pictures of our events and activities then make a scrapbook to take the state convention. I turned in my proficiency award and I received sliver in Colorado. As a student in FFA you need a SAE ( Supervised Agriculture Experience) mine is raising my goats and working in greenhouses. I’m the Vice President for my senior year . My goals for this year are having have better relationship with our community. Then I’ll be applying for my Chapter Degree.