
The District boundary is entirely within Weld County


We extend North to the Wyoming border, East to New Raymer and West to the Weld County line. Our Southern boundary is a little harder to verbalize as we share southern Weld with several other Conservation Districts, but the boundary includes: Johnstown/Milliken area, Lasalle, Kersey and down around Keenesburg.

Land ownership within the District is:

Icon representing 1.29 million acres of private land.
Icon showing 260,000 acres of federal and state land
Map of Weld County with the capital Greeley and major highways highlighted.

The West Greeley Conservation District was established on June 14, 1948, in accordance with the Colorado Soil Conservation.


Vintage car and deserted home during the Colorado Dust Bowl era

In the early 1930’s the United States experienced an unparalleled ecological disaster known as the Dust Bowl. Severe, sustained drought in the Great Plains caused soil erosion and the loss of productive topsoil leading to huge black dust storms that blotted out the sun. The storms stretched south to Texas and east to New York. Dust even sifted into the White House and onto the desk of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. After seeing the sky black with dust in Washington, the U.S. Congress unanimously passed legislation declaring soil and water conservation a national policy and priority. Since about three-fourths of the United States was privately owned, Congress realized that only active, voluntary support from landowners would guarantee the success of conservation work on private land. In 1937, President Roosevelt wrote the governors of all the states recommending legislation that would allow local landowners to form soil conservation districts.


WGCD Programs and Services

Natural Resources

  • Hands holding a compact ball of soil, with letters.
    Soil Health
  • oung saplings planted in arid soil to prevent erosion
    Erosion Prevention
  • Two workers inspecting a bridge over a lake, part of water quality and quantity management
    Water Quality & Quantity
  • Farmer walking through a lush green crop field, highlighting agricultural land preservation.
    Ag Land Preservation
  • Wire fence and wooden posts spanning an open range for effective range management.
    Range Management
  • Pink blooming weeds in focus, illustrating invasive and noxious plant species
    Invasive and Noxious Weeds
  • Teacher guiding children in outdoor conservation education projects.
    Conservation Education
  • Bird perched in its natural habitat, representing wildlife conservation efforts
    Wildlife Habitat
  • Farmer assessing planned crop rows in a large agricultural field
    Land Use Planning
  • Overflowing irrigation ditch causing flooding in an agricultural field, demonstrating environmental disaster response
    Environmental Disaster Response


We offer many cost share programs for district participants in order to ensure a productive use and maintenance of private lands. We are the only program within the county that is focused directly on efforts to help private land owners with their land issues.

  • School educational programs in water, soils, wildlife, and other natural resource educational programs.
  • Tree planting efforts across the county.
  • Reseeding of native grasses in open spaces throughout the metro areas of Weld County to stabilize the soil and help provide recreational opportunities and habitats for wildlife.
  • Sponsorship of an economical tree sale program for those with approximately 1 or more acres of land with the realization that trees add value to property, help control home heating and cooling, provide soil and wind stabilization, as well as provide attraction of wildlife and increase the quality of homeowners lives.
  • Representation on state and local efforts for air and water quality initiatives.
  • We offer scholarships to local students whose parents are members within the district, and are interested in studying the sciences, agriculture, environmental pursuits, or other natural resource oriented studies.
  • We provide classroom lesson plan support for natural resource issues ranging from water, air, wildlife, soils, and energy.
  • Provide technical support and input to Weld County Planning and Zoning.
  • Summer educational opportunities are also afforded to local residents in such programs as landscape design for water efficiency, wind energy and solar opportunity education, reclamation of land disturbed by local energy development.
  • Mitigation of soil loss situations due to blowing or eroding soil.
  • Technical support for enforcement agencies dealing with blowing soil or water issues.
  • Work directly in ensuring the local economic base of agriculture is secured for the future.


  • Supporting conservation planning that promotes local, agronomic and economic sustainability through wise land use;
  • Providing innovative outreach and education to citizens and stakeholders;
  • Researching, recording, and disseminating information about WGCD’s natural resources;
  • Promoting a comprehensive conservation ethic for the effective and appropriate management and sustainable use of natural resources;
  • Actively participating in local forums designed to promote comprehensive resource management within the WGCD.
  • Partnering and Collaborating with other groups and organizations.
  • Implementing on the ground conservation projects.


Closeup of Irrigated soil and crop rows


AG Career Fair for High Schoolers

February 18th, 2025

WGCD Office

To RSVP email


Tagged Ponderosa Pine for our 2024 Conservation Seedling Tree Sale.


Conservation Seedling Tree Sale is Open Until April 25, 2025.

Pick Up is in May.

Conservation seedling trees for sale to local landowners at a nominal cost.


Fungal Compost with Rion Naus

March 4th & 5th at the WGCD Office.

To RSVP email


West Greeley Conservation District Logo


4302 W. 9th St. Rd.
Greeley, CO 80634



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The West Greeley Conservation District prohibits discrimination in all of its programs and activities, including employment, on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, political belief. West Greeley Conservation District is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.